Prof. Jacob Amir


פרופסור יעקב עמיר

Professor Jacob Amir

Last name, first name: Amir,Jacob

Salutation: Prof.

Nationality: Israel

Nominating country: Israel

Title: ProfessorEmeritus

Institution: Research Organizationof Israel Agricultural Sciences (Volcani)

A Study on the Reproductive Stage of the Groundnut,

Arachis hypogaea L.

Induction of pod setting in the upper-nodal gynophores1


In groundnut plants growing under controlled conditions it was possible to

induce pod-setting of the upper-nodal gynophores, which do not normally set

pods, by forming a two-level surface of the rooting medium and by treating the

gynophores with gibberellic acid. There was no inhibitory effect on the pod-setting

of these gynophores by the pods developing on the basal-nodes; the setting

of the upper-nodal pods reduced the yield of the basal nodal pods, and the

potential yield was not increased. The activation of the upper-nodal gynophores

was associated with a prolongation of vegetative growth and flowering, and with

an increase in fresh and dry weight of roots and tops. Pod filling was inferior in

comparison with field conditions, possibly because of low light intensity. Direct

application of gibberellic acid to the upper-nodal gynophores caused the elongation.

of these as well as of the basal-nodal gynophores which were not treated.


. Amir, J. (1969). A study on the reproductive stage of the groundnut, Arachris hypogaen. Ann. Bot. (N.s.) 33: 333-338.